September 24, 2007

I'm working on it!

So you may have noticed that I didn't do a new post last week. I am working on it, I promise! I am also thinking that I am going to abandon my plans for structured weekly topics (after only 3 months...I know, I know...). I have a back log of things to post about, and I am feeling a bit restrained by my own attempt at blogging organization.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I am going to stop being so anal, and just post stuff already. Keep watching, some good stuff is coming! (I promise!)

In the meantime, here is another alcohol themed cupcake for ya! This is a Margarita cupcake I made for a co-workers bridal shower a few months ago (it was a "fiesta" theme). Lime cupcake with keylime cream cheese icing, set in a margarita glass with green colored sugar.

1 comment:

saucygoat said...

You mean I get my party fill more than once a week now? *happy dance*